January 26, 2018 Pictures from January 26 shows the work being done on the bridge piers. One of the forms is coming down and the guys are working on rebar on the piers. The sun played a part in the clarity of the pictures. 20180126081224 20180126081215 20180126081114 20180126081212 20180126081132 20180126081106 20180126080911 20180126081120 20180126080917 20180126081109 20180126081100 20180126080913 20180126080828 20180126080822 20180126080846 20180126080841 20180126080838 20180126080814 20180126080824 20180126080804 20180126080820 20180126080448 20180126080816 20180126080459 20180126080759 20180126080511 20180126080454 20180126075457 20180126080451 20180126080502 20180126080443 20180126075520 20180126080431 20180126080404 20180126075419 20180126080437 20180126075510 20180126075436 20180126075508 20180126075451 20180126075431 20180126075425 20180126075346 20180126075406 20180126075416 20180126075414 20180126075411 20180126075353 20180126075107 20180126075329 20180126075323 20180126075036 20180126075112 20180126075040
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