September 6, 2018 I was able to get a 45-minute flight after the rain this evening, not a lot happened since the last set of pictures but there is still a little bit of progress on the bridge. 20180906180152 20180906180241 20180906175824 20180906180340 20180906180349 20180906180404 20180906180332 20180906180059 20180906180202 20180906180218 20180906175152 20180906180137 20180906180035 20180906175851 20180906175237 20180906175210 20180906175219 20180906175049 20180906175114 20180906175121 20180906175155 20180906175030 20180906175025 20180906174958 20180906175021
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